Friends Lift Spirits

A friend of mine returned from travelling and I talked with her today. The main reason for going was to see an ailing friend. But, she talked to her friend’s husband who said he wasn’t sure she would be up for a visit. So, my friend was surprised when she arrived and her friend greeted her at the door. The sick woman seemed to perk up even more as they talked and reminisced. They laughed as they remembered good times. Her husband said she hadn’t looked that good in a very long time. After she left, my friend received a text from her friend thanking her for the visit. She said she realized how important and life giving it was to have and spend time with good friends. My friend could have left well enough alone, or not “imposed”, but she persisted in meeting. Because of that, she lifted her friend’s spirit.

I Found God today hearing how friendship can lift spirits.

2 comments on “Friends Lift Spirits

  1. A true lesson .for us all Mary persisted in her visit to Elizabeth when it could not have been easy for her. The Lord wants us to be community. that perks us up when it occurs. Best to Jake too


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