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Twinkle, Twinkle, Grammy

My parents and I were outside this afternoon enjoying the fresh air before the storms were to roll in. As we were admiring the garden, my phone rang for a video chat. I saw it was my son and answered, hoping there would be some sort of service out there. Luckily, there was. The picture that came up was that of my granddaughter. I could hear my son’s voice in the background coaxing her. After a bit, she said, “Hi Grammy!” and started singing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”. She got many of the words and notes in. Then my son helped out by singing part of the lines and she would finish. It was adorable – of course. My son said that she had been saying the name of the song and then, “Grammy”, so he figured she wanted to sing it to me. It made my day.

I Found God today in a thoughtful call.

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